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Satipatthana Meditation Retreat (Thailand) by Dhammigiri & NDR

21 December 2024, 07:00 AM - 29 December 2024, 06:00 PM

About this event

四念处禅修营 Satipatthana Meditation Retreat ( 21 - 29 December 2024)


永觉长老指导 Led by Ajahn Cagino

华语讲解  Conducted in Mandarin

新加坡护法苑  & 法山基金会联合 Co-Organiser by Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR Singapore) & Dhammagiri Foundation


[地点 DESTINATION] 泰北清迈卧佛寺 Chiang Mai, Reclining Buddha Temple Thailand

[团费 FEE] SGD 160 / RM 560

[详情 Detail ] https://tinyurl.com/DG-Retreat-2024

[截止 Closing] 21 November 2024


About Ajahn Cagino

Ajahn Cagino was born in Malaysia. He worked as a photographer and won no less than 40 awards with a first prize in the Asian Photography Competition. In 1997, he became a samanera under Mahayana tradition in Ang Hock Si Monastery in Penang,one and half year later became a novice under Ajahn Ganha in Thailand. He was re- ordained under Ajahn Chah’s lineage in Wat Pah Nanachat. Ajahn had practiced in solitude and had covered more than 4000 km on foot around Thailand and was residing in caves in northern Thailand. In 2010, Ajahn founded Dhammagiri Foundation to help the orphans at Mae Hong Son by building a Buddhist children’s home for orphans. With the assistance of devotees, the Foundation continued to provide scholarships for the children’s needs ensuring that they have the basic foundation in education. Ajahn also conducted meditation retreat for schools as he believed that dhamma learning can start at a young age.

Ajahn is the Spiritual Advisor of Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha Singapore. Since 2011, Ajahn had been travelling around Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia for dhammaduta and to conduct meditate retreats for lay practitioners. Devotees had organized more than 10 photography exhibitions for Ajahn, his work mainly reflect the way of life of Buddhist forest monks. Ajahn hopes that his pictures continues to inspire faith in the practice of the noble 8 fold path.


About the organiser

Organiser Description
Dhammagiri is a Buddhist Monastery in the Theravada Forest Tradition, associated with the lineage of Ajahn Chah. It aims to transcend today's bewildering confusion of Buddhist gurus, dogmas and techniques by returning to the original teachings of the Buddha as found in the early parts of the Pali canon and in the living practice of the great meditation masters in the Forest Tradition.
Organiser Email
Organiser Address
10 Ben Varden Ave, Kholo QLD 4306, Australia
Organiser Website

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