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BDMS Weekly Sutta Sharing

9 August 2024, 07:30 PM - 1 November 2024, 10:00 PM

About this event

BDMS is inviting you to Friday Sutta Sharing based on Maha Satipatthana Sutta.

Time: Every week on Fri 7.30pm, until Nov 1, 2024.

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 819 5199 2129


About the organiser

Organiser Description
The Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society (BDMS) is committed to sharing the Buddha's teachings with others. The Society does this by organising talks and courses, observing and performing Buddhist celebrations and publishing books to encourage the study and practice of Buddhism.

The motto of BDMS is:

Dhammo pariññeyyo
Know the Dhamma Throughly

Dhammo sevitabbo
Practice it fully

Dhammo desitabbo
Share it generously with others

This motto encapsulated the whole direction of the Buddhist life. One can practice the Dhamma if one knows it. The more one practices, the deeper one's knowledge becomes. Sharing the Dhamma is an essential part of practising it and in sharing the Dhamma, one understands better. The mission of BDMS is to create an environment as well as act as a catalyst for the motto to be practised and expressed.
Organiser Email
Organiser Contact Number
+65 63522859
Organiser Address
567A Balestier Road, Singapore 329884

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