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106th Zen Meditation Course 2025 : March 2025 to April 2025

15 March 2025, 07:30 PM - 12 April 2025, 09:30 PM

About this event

一百零六期 禅修课程  | 106th Zen Meditation Course 2025 : March 2025 to April 2025

日期 | Date : 三月 March 08, 15, 22, 29 & 四月 April 05, 12.



Each course consists of 6 lessons, which are held over 6 Saturday evening.

时间 | Time : 19:30 - 21:30
每堂课大概是两个小时。 The duration of each session is about two hours.

地点 | Venue : Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre, 21 Lorong 25 Geylang, Singapore 388299

报名截止日期 | Registration Deadline : 名额有限,请提早报名 Limited seats, please register early.

This form comprised of 14 questions, and 3 declarations.

费用 | Cost : S$120
This amount will be used to cover a part of the costs of these sessions.

付款 | Payment :
一旦您的报名被确定了,禅林将会与您联系。 确定了之后,请付款以成功完成报名过程。
You will hear from us once your registration is confirmed. Please pay to complete the registration process successfully and finalise your participation.

内容 | Content:

* 什么是禅? | What is Zen?
* 禅宗公案 | Zen Kong-an
* 坐禅 | Sitting Meditation
* 行禅 | Walking Meditation
* 禅游 | Breathing Exercise
* 小参 | Interview

继闻法师是观音禅林旗下禅中心的开山主持。 他因突破禅修以及禅宗公案,在一九九八年得到崇山大师的印可,正式以禅宗指导法师的身份教导禅修。

Guiding Teacher :

Venerable Chi Boon JDPS @ Gye Mun Sunim is the Founding Abbot of Meditation Centres under Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen ("KYCL Zen"). He received public seal (1998) from the late Great Master Seung Sahn for break through in Zen practice and its tradition of kong-an, and officially teach Zen practice as Ji Do Poep Sa ("JDPS") i.e. Guiding Teacher of the Dharma.

You may find more information on our website: www.kyclzen.sg*********************************************************************************************

请遵守以下共修礼仪 | Kindly observe the following etiquette as we practice together:



a)一起开始禅修 b) 一起结束禅修,不要提早离开 c) 圆满出席每堂课

正确服装 :
a) 请穿宽松和保守的灰色或白色上衣,b)搭配灰色宽松长裤 , c)米色, 棕色和黑色等中性颜色都可以接受。



a) Arrive to begin together, b) Leave together, not earlier than others, c) Be present for all sessions

Proper attire -
a) Please wear a loose and discreet top in grey or white, b) Pair with loose and long pants in grey,
c) Neutral colours such as beige, brown, and black are acceptable.

If you decide to drop-out before the first session, please graciously inform us well before commencement。
This gives timely opportunity to others on the waiting list to practice and benefit from it.


About the organiser

Organiser Description
Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Centre (“KYCL”) was founded by Venerable Chi Boon in 1991. KYCL’s objective is to spread the Buddha’s teachings so that we realise our true selves and the ultimate substance of the universe; then help all sentient beings. By practicing Zen meditation, we can find the correct direction of our lives and realise our true nature. We can also clearly perceive and function correctly in any situations to build correct relationships, moment-to-moment, then we can live in wisdom and compassion, to help our families, our friends, our country, and this whole world to be in peace and happiness.

The name of our Zen Centre, “Kwan Yin Chan Lin”, carries a deep meaning. “Kwan” means to perceive and “Yin” means the sound of the world. “Kwan Yin” (in Korean, “Kwan Um”) means to perceive the sound within us, to remove our ignorance, attachments, and incorrect mindset; and to practice on the correct path. In addition, we should also perceive the sound of all sentient beings and help to end their suffering and attain true happiness. “Chan”, which is the Chinese word for Zen, represents a simple and pure life. Nowadays, our lives are becoming more and more complicated, more sufferings are created as a consequence. Zen practice can help us return to simplicity and let our minds return to peace, equanimity, purity, and liberation. “Lin” means many trees. The many trees that make up a forest give it strength, and cannot be blown away by strong wind. “Chan Lin” represents many people practicing together so we can help one another and give one another strength to fulfill the Four Great Vows.
Organiser Email
Organiser Contact Number
(65) 6392 0265 | 6747 6215
Organiser Address
No. 21 Lorong 25 Geylang, Singapore 388299
Organiser Website

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