
About this Organisation

Handful Of Leaves (HOL) is an online Buddhist publication and directory catering to young working adults in Asia. To fulfil its mission to offer practical Buddhist wisdom for a happier life, HOL offers stories about mental well-being, work, and relationships through articles, videos and podcast. This directory is an effort to connect readers to communities through events. As this platform is run by a group of volunteers, please pardon us if our reply isn't prompt. Want to support our efforts? Here's how:

NP Buddhist Society (NPBS)
  • 535 Clementi Rd, Singapore 599489, Singapore
SIM Buddhist Bhavana (SIMBB)
  • 461 Clementi Road, Singapore 599491, Singapore
NUS Buddhist Society (NUSBS)
  • 31 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119078, Singapore
NTU Buddhist Society (NTUBS)
  • 50 Nanyang Avenue, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
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